Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! I thought I'd do a little new years post. I've been absent from my blog in a while. I've just been super busy and stuff over the past month, much more than I thought I would be. I wish I went Central to see the New Years fireworks as seeing them on a screen in a pub in East London along with a smaller display just isn't as spectacular. I hope to go next year though.

This year in all honestly has been a tough year for me but I don't want to put it all out on here as it's quite private. However, there has been some amazing things that have happened at at times, this year has been fun. I also started this blog in August. (I've actually revamped my blog recently, and for those of you who check on here regularly may have noticed) But, I didn't have an ideal year with my first year of sixth form - as the course I was doing got cancelled half way through; not down to me, so I thought the best thing for me to do was have a fresh start and opt for A levels. I'm now at a new sixth form and I am enjoying it, so thats good. The Christmas holidays are over and I am going back to sixth form tomorrow. I actually don't have a clue how I'm going to be able to get up tomorrow morning. AND, I have my first exam next week... Scary.

I have no idea of how this year is going to pan out - I just like to live day by day, take everything as it comes. Sometimes I worry and think I should I think and plan more, but that's just not how I am. Also, there's that whole "Aahh, the world's going to end in 2012!!". If it is true, it;'s happening on the 21st - or something like that - of December. Which means we'll all be in the Christmas spirit and cheer... And then it all ends... BUT, I don't believe in stuff like that and I don't think it will happen...

So, I think I might do the New Years resolution thing this year and I have a few things.
  1. Help more around the house - This is the year where I feel I need to grow up more and take more responsibility. I'm quite reliant on my parents, and since I turned 18 last year. I feel it's the right time.
  2. Drink more water - It actually does me really good, for my skin, hair, the way I feel. So yeah..
  3. I'm going to save more, I have a few expensive things in mind that I want to buy - like a new camera -   and don't want to rely on my parents to get for me.
  4. Blog more. When I frost started this, I blogged regularly but more recently, I've neglected it and been absent for a bit - I didn't even do any Christmas posts... Woops..
That's about it for now. And I'm glad I've done this post to start of my blog for 2012 - Ahh, we've got the Olympics coming to London this year too... 

What have been your highlights of 2011? How did you celebrate the new year? Do you have any New Years resolutions?

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